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À propos de:Yorni Imperi

My biggest greetings to my dear and beloved super viewer. I inform you that I am making dedicated videos and specifically for you beloved and horny subscriber. I tell you that in our new videos you can dictate the positions, name the video, the type of sex (H, M, HM, MM, MHM), if you want oral sex or where you want it to be and how (hard or soft ), until the dedication to you if you want us to speak in Spanish or English. To finish convincing you we can even scream the name you want while we fuck. Remember that we are starting and that we have low quality equipment. But believe me that we will put a great effort to give you the most powerful and exciting coming you have ever had in your life and nothing less with a video designed in detail by yourself. The payment for dedicated videos will vary depending on how demanding you can be, but will not exceed 25 USD. Greetings and I hope you are encouraged to create your first dream porn with us. Sweet orgasms.
Situation Amoureuse: Disponible
Intéressé par: Filles
Sexe: Homme
Couleur des cheveux: Noir
Ethnicitée: Latine
Tatouages: Oui
Taille de la bite: 23 CM

Yorni Imperi

Images: 8
Vidéos: 8

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